
Trendafila Trendafilova

Trendafila Trendafilova – Persefi Eskes was born on 11.16.1989.For a short period of her development way of live, she has studied architecture, but the desire to deploy more inspiration and freedom of expression means, led her to painting and visual arts.For now lives and works in  city Sofia, Bulgaria. AWARDS: 2017 AUBG Award for Contemporary art, First edition; 2017 Award for promising development and devotion to art of Edmond Demirdjian Foundation; 2017 Art Residence Cite Des Arts Paris, France – award by NAA, Sofia; 2013 Art Residence Wittgenstein House, Vienna – First prize for diplom work by The academy of fine arts Sofia; 2012 Erazmus UB Faculty de Belles Artes, Barcelona, Spain. EXHIBITIONS and shows: 2018 Group show Kosmodrum, ONE gallery, Sofia; 2018 Group show Youthexhibition Vol. 2, The red point gallery, Sofia; 2017 ‘Très’ Solo exhibition in Rakursi gallery, curator Maria Vasileva; 2017 Art Residence in The Fridge, Sofia; 2016 “Night of the Museums and Galleries”, Plovdiv with Music performance EAV, Electric audio visual project; 2016 Solo Exhibition 23.09 ” Figurative Ambient *state sky* ” in Aspect gallery, Plovdiv, Bulgaria.
